Structural vs. Traditional Chiropractic
One of the biggest differences between a traditional chiropractic office and our practice is to first understand the goals of traditional chiropractic care.
The goals of traditional chiropractic are:
1) Temporary reduction in pain
2) Decreasing muscle spasm
3) Increasing range of motion
These are excellent goals and there are many chiropractors in the area that do an excellent job at providing you with traditional chiropractic care.
At Drew Family Chiropractic, our objective and our focus is Structural Chiropractic Correction.
In the vast majority of cases that make their way to our practice, often as a referral from other chiropractors and medical doctors in the area, is a significant Structural Shift. These Structural Shifts are the underlying cause that often reveal themselves as “symptoms” – or what Structural Doctors refer to as Secondary Conditions. Structural Chiropractic Correction focuses exclusively on the correction of the underlying cause – the Structural Shifts.
The goals of traditional chiropractic are:
1) Temporary reduction in pain
2) Decreasing muscle spasm
3) Increasing range of motion
These are excellent goals and there are many chiropractors in the area that do an excellent job at providing you with traditional chiropractic care.
At Drew Family Chiropractic, our objective and our focus is Structural Chiropractic Correction.
In the vast majority of cases that make their way to our practice, often as a referral from other chiropractors and medical doctors in the area, is a significant Structural Shift. These Structural Shifts are the underlying cause that often reveal themselves as “symptoms” – or what Structural Doctors refer to as Secondary Conditions. Structural Chiropractic Correction focuses exclusively on the correction of the underlying cause – the Structural Shifts.